Eva van Baar

Schrijven is doen


Welcome to my website.
I wish you a lot of pleasure reading it.
Eva van Baar.

There is currently a large-scale international advertising campaign for the American edition of my book Ilse.
It is distributed in the United States, Australia and a number of countries in Europe.
I regularly receive messages from the publisher in Rome.

My publisher gave me these questions to answer:
Is there a particular moment in your life that led you to the writing of your book? What was that?
Yes there was a publisher who invited me to write a book on esotericism because there was not much for young adults on that topic.

I wrote part one, and I could not say goodbye to Ilse, so I also wrote part 2 and 3.
It is partly based on my own experience, and the rest is fantasy.
It is one of my most favorite books.
The first book I wrote was ‘doolhof of labyrint.’ Columns on life, my children, about being a mother, sister, daughter, being a woman.
I like the combination of working on a novel and at the same time working on columns. On my website you can see all the titles. Also a few in English www.evavanbaar.nl

What characteristics your audience should have to appreciate your book?
They should be interested in esoterie, and for young adults it is interesting anyway because it 's also about friendship, your years as a student, finding your way in life and choosing your profession. Being insecure, and be more mature at the end of that yourney.
They say my books are easy to read. I like them to be relaxing. I like it when they give you a feeling of satisfaction when you have finished them.

What is the message you wanted to convey with your story?
I want to give more information on esotericism, It is not humbug, and not  abacadabra, it is quite normal. I wanted to do so in a novel for Young adults. Esotericism  is international it exists in every culture. It enriches your life when you get to know more about it.

What is the first book you read and what did it teach you?
I was seven years old and I read everything they had available in the class room, we had a little library there. And the library in my hometown. I think the first books were the ‘golden booklets’, a series of small books with a lot of pictures and not much text.
They were simple books, I learned a lot more from the books they read aloud to us. Books by Annie M.G. Schmidt.

Are you working on a new writing project?
I am always working on a new project. I am writing a novel, or maybe it will only be a novella, I have to see where the story brings me.
And I always have a document open on my laptop, for columns. When I have enough pages I check what I will use and what columns I will erase.
I have a synopsis for a thriller, I have never done that before so I don't know if I will be able to finish it. I write feelgood books, mostly with a message.
My columns are about daily life, my cats, my books, everything that happens. My struggle with internet, with official forms, with counters and organizations. It can be quite chalenging to get things done in The Netherlands.

With Ilse my editor has nominated me for the Nobel Prize of Literature 2015.

November: National Novel Writing Month


In a few days the 'NaNoWriMo' 'National Novel Writing Month' starts.
In november we all are supposed to write a lot of words,  for our new novel.
We are writing with numerous others in the Netherlands, and even worldwide.
On my facebook Group “schrijftips voor jou” I will post about my own project, but also tips how to start a novel, and -more important- how to go on.
Your novel does not have to be finished by the end of november, but about 50.000 words would be nice.

Break a leg!


Breaking News: 

I could not believe it was real.

My American editor Americastarbooks has nominated me for the Nobel Prize for Literature.
The Nobel prize is nominated every year.
Throughout the whole world people are nominated and this pile of letters has to be sent in on 2nd of February 2015.
They choose 50 persons, then 20, then 5 and then the winner is chosen.
It is a great honor to be nominated.

For me it is the reward for years of hard work. 

On the 8the of October 2015 Svetlana Alexijewitsj, was chosen, with her new book ‘het einde van de rode mens’.



About me:

Hello, I am Eva van Baar.
That is not my name, but my pseudonym.
I am a translator English, and I did this for several years.
I translated children’s books , and several other books.
Novels, plays, and a lot of other things.
I have been writing all my life; columns, stories, poetry.
And since several years I have been writing novels and books for children.

Writing is a nice hobby, it is my passion and it looks like working when your books are edited as well.
I like to write and I hope you have pleasure in reading what I have written.

You can post your comment on my ‘gastenboek’, if you like.
You can mail me: evavanbaar@gmail.com.

My books:

This book contains two books about families in Zandvoort. They have to do a lot with water,
one of the books is about the life brigade In Zandvoort, who still works with volunters.
The other one is about the family of Martin and Jetty.
A lot of lives, with their ups and downs, in Zandvoort, by the North Sea.
I was raised there.


This is an ómnibus of ’ there is een message for you’ and ‘no one but you’ part one and two
Life can be wonderful but also difficult
A lost love can be very different in one situation or another
A new love can be very nice but  also uncertain.
How do you keep balance


Reflections on the book Wise man and wise woman bij Susan Smit.
I write a series of columns about everything that comes to mind when reading this book. whether I agree or not, what associations it evokes, what my response is, in short what happens to me when I  read this book. The poetry is mine.
He cast the first Stone: Are those seven deadly sins really that bad? Are those seven virtues really that good? It depends on what you are doing.
Intertwined Lives: A human live is intertwined with many lives. Sometimes friends and family, but also the baker, the colleague, that lady from the other side that you don’t know.


This is a book for people who like to write and want to learn more about it.
Writing is not difficult, if you can talk, you can write. I have online writing courses where you can get feedback. With that material I wrote this book.
Writing is fun, addictive but you have to do it and not wait for the right moment, the right inspiration, the right weather etc.
You can always delete something, you can also add something but first you have to right down what comes to mind.
This book can help you, have fun writing.


This book is based on true events somewhere in the Netherlands with people I know.
For understandable reasons it has been kept  anonymous. Any resemblance to living persons is based on chance if you think you recognize yourself that is not so.
My cat has been my buddy writing this book with her relativizing attitude. That is why she has a place of honor in this book .Cats can help you put things in perspective.
Food, drinks, a litter box and dash of sunshine is all you need, when you are a cat.


Just like you contains the books alter ego and Amsterdam, Prague, Istanbul.
Alter ego: what would have happend if you had made different choices? A different education, other partner? Everyone sometimes things about that. Kitty makes a trip to London, she has an accident. She is in a Hospital with a concussion. When she returns to her hotel something strange has happened. Who is Catherine?
Amsterdam Prague Istanbul: At een Agency for House Exchange requests for Holidays come in. People from Amsterdam, Prague and  Istanbul exchange there home. After some time they notice that they have more in common than the same way of spending a  holiday. Alcohol destroys more than you like.


With part one of ilse I was nominated for the Nobel prize in 2015.
After part one I could not say goodbye to Ilse so I had to write part two and three. She does her final exam, chooses her studies, and lives in a students appartment, for de first time. She meets her future partner and chooses a profession. In short, everything that you experience yourself. That’s a lot of changes in a short period of time, at the end of the process you are and adult.



www.evavanbaar.nl   evavanbaar@gmail.com


I have writing courses, also in English. Just look at the website.

For more information on my books you can click on the names of the books

Doolhof of Labyrint,
Niets buiten jou,
Alter Ego,
Er is een bericht voor u,
Amsterdam, Praag, Istanbul,
Er is een bericht voor u.

You can order my books:
Transfer the amount of the book, plus 5 Euro for shipping.
On account: IBAN: NL33 INGB 0002 7853 63; BIC: INGBNL 2A.

Name the book you like, and do not forget to give your name, address and country.

Outside The Netherlands you can order my books also at Amazon (www.amazon.com).

You can ask for a trial chapter of all the books, as soon as they are edited.

For the writing courses I have something like that, a trial chapter of the basic course, the advanced course and the junior course.

You can use the ‘contactformulier’ on the website.
Or you can mail to: evavanbaar@gmail.com.

Doolhof of Labyrint.

Columns, childhood, poetry, religion, cabaret.


Toffie is a little boy of seven years.
He has to swim for a certificate, he gets new shoes, and he gets an animal for his birthday.
At night something special happens.
The trains on his table drive just like that, they can talk to him, and he can go with them to Switzerland.
Don’t tell anyone, it is a secret.


Ilse is a schoolgirl.
She hears things, sees things, and she feels different from the other girls.
She finds a diary, and this woman helps her with her gift.
Ilse is psychic. But she is also a normal girl with friends, a school band, parties and a boyfriend.
This is a novel that also gives you information on esoteric things.

Ilse is also translated in English.

Niets buiten jou (Nothing outside you).

Els has a happy family.
Man, wife, four children two cats and a dog.
When fate strikes they have to help each other through a tough period.
Then something strange happens.
Documents disappear from the computer. The drugstore gives the wrong medicine, the accountant has the wrong information for taxes.
What happens?
Nothing outside you can give you peace, but nothing outside you can disturb your inner peace. How do you live up to that?

Alter Ego.

Everybody sometimes wonders what would have happened if you had made other choices.
A different education, a different partner.
Kitty makes a trip to London.
She has a concussion, and when she returns to the hotel, something strange has happened.
Who is Catharina?

Er is een bericht voor u.

Idelet has come to a turning point in her life. Very carefully she tries to reach a new balance, and she signs in on a dating site. She meets a woman in the same circumstances, she meets a number of men. Maybe this could be the start of a new life?

Amsterdam, Praag Istanbul.

In an office for home exchange applications for a holiday arrive every day.
Young people from Amsterdam, Prague and Istanbul trade their houses for a holiday.
After a while they see that they have more in common than only a way to spend their holiday.
Booze destroys more than you like…

Een hond met een achternaam.

Een hond met een achternaam is the first column of this book.  About  a dog, but you guessed that already. These columns describe daily life. Profoundly, sober and and everything in between.
Long or short, they seem to be very suitable to read before going to sleep, so I hear from my readers.
Goodnight and see you tomorrow.

Online Courses:

The courses are also translated in English. 

'To write is to do.’
I like writing and I like to share my pleasure in writing.

I will make you acquainted with several aspects of writing.
The next subjects will be treated in the course:

Inspiration, flow, how to get started, and how to go on when you have a writer’s block.
Make time, find your own spot for writing, conditioning, associate, flow, poetry, columns, stories, ‘elfje’, snowball, haiku.
Your own story, your own book, building, perspective, dialogue, feedback and editors.
There are more than 50 assignments, so that you can see what you like, and what your are good at.

It is an online course.
This means you can learn when you have time.
In your own home, in the middle of the night, if you like.

You send in the assignments by mail.
You will have feedback personally.

Prices of the courses are all incl. VAT.

The price of the basic course is 250 Euro, and the advanced course is 250 Euro. When you order them together it will be 450 Euro.
The junior course is 250 Euro.
The course: 'Your Life' is 250 Euro.

Holiday course

A short course for 50 Euro.
6 weeks with assignments, coffee and cake online.
For a holiday in your own town.

Nuzzle course

12 assignments so that you can see if you like to do a course with me.
A short course for 100 Euro.
Is this the right way for you?
Does it feel ok?
Try the small course first, or go for the big one right away.

The junior course

This course is for juniors from 10 to 18 year.
For the junior course I used the basic course, but I added things for children; Fairy tales, puppet stories, rap, flarf, websites, ‘yes you can!’ and questions if you want to write your own book.

Hello, I made a fourth course: ‘Your Life”

This course is based on the basic course.
It has basically the same content, with a lot of extra’s; a lot of questions about the different periods in your life, and poetry, documents, and other things
to make your story as personal as you can.
The translations of the four courses are ready to be ordered.

When you are interested in one of the courses, you can mail me, and then I translate the course for you.
For the basic course, the advanced course, and the junior course there is already a translation.
You can ask for a trial chapter.
Use Contact form ‘contactformulier’.
Or mail to evavanbaar@gmail.com 

Course blogging

What is a blog, where do you get your ideas? How often do you have to blog? Fellow bloggers, How do you maintain blogging?
Price 75 Euro incl.

Course writing for your club

How to write a report, press release, interview, article, Powerpoint Presentation. Price 75 Euro incl. 

I also give workshops, and I do lectures, but only in Holland.
(unless you invite me abroad, and pay for the costs.)

I also write newsletters and columns.
If you want to read a newsletter, ask for a translation.
I wil translate it especially for you, and mail it to you.

I have a Face Book group: ‘Schrijftips voor jou’.

If you want to have the tips, mail me.
I will translate them for you and send them.

I am co-writer of the website a summer day on poetry and poets. www.asummerday.net (in English also).


When you read a book you do not escape from everyday life, but you go deeper in it.
Julian Barnes.


Turning point
Sometimes aware
sometimes later
much later
you see
this was a
turning point
A U turn.

(In English the poetry is even better, the U turn stands for You turn. In Dutch you do not notice this).



Excuse me, could you please move over?
Talking to me?
Yes, could you please move over?
Can’t you say that normally? I want to move over if you ask me to, but you do not need to have this stiff upper lip. You are no more than me.
I would not be so sure of that.
Talk normally, what do you mean?
I do. I am an expert. So to speak. I am the container for the writing attributes, the translations, the administration and the taxes.
Well well, administrait. I am for the recleratieon, or something. You know.
She uses me in her time off. Very important. Good against stretch.
Okay, stress.
Okay, recreation is important to. It is all about balance.
Yes, balance. If you ask me there is no balance in her. When you see her carry on with that yardstick when she sewing a dress there is no balance at all.
Did you notice too? Let me introduce me to you. We have been in this closet for so long already. My name is Wim.
Okay, Wim. My name is Frans. About that stretch we were talking about...
Stress. Frans
Okay, stress.
About stress, A few years ago that dress had to be finished within a day. No matter what. That was not healthy for the stuff in my container.
Nowadays she takes her time, Frans, I noticed too.
And she has a lot more time for herself now.
Yes, I have seen her account, she has not been translating lately. That gives her more time for her hobbies.
You can say that again! I have not seen the paint brushes for ages!
She seems to be doing an aqua- whatever something with painting.
A water color course, Frans.
That easy? Some French word I thought.
Yes, but it means watercolor.
Good. And she sings on Monday. And she writes on Friday.
What is her repertoire, Frans?
Huh? Can you eat that? It is a lot. It would make me more than tired.
Yes, me to. Repertoire is the kind of songs she sings, Frans.
Yes, Wim. But she seems to be happy when she does a lot of different nice things. And that is what it is all about. You know?
Yes, balance. I told you Frans.


Hello I am 8 weeks old an they call me Sammy.
I can meow and jump for a little ball that is hanging at the doorknob.
It seems to be a success act, always when we have visitors, I have to show my trick, and they all love me.
I stay friends with all of them and it is a hell of a job to do so. Arco, the eldest dog is easy. He is old, he doesn't bother any more.
Fili that is different cook.
He is a poodle with a lot of bum in his character.
He likes me and I like that.
Fili seems to me a dog that can be very annoying if he does not like you.
Normally cats and dogs do not get along very well, so I have to be careful.
But we cats have a strongly developed psychological feeling, so I can arrange things the way I like it.
My boss?
She is doing fine, I just let myself be petted when I feel like it, and it always works.
I can advise you that attitude. Never trouble, good food, a nice warn house. Let us keep it that way.

I am Fili
I am a poodle, and I am totally out of control.
I am not chic, I am very cuddly and I am fond of attention.
I am a little bit too spirited for a poodle but they like me that way.
When I came here there was another dog, Arco, but he has never been a problem.
It is an easy going dog. The fire of his youth has long been extinguished and everything is all right with him, as long as I do not whine.
Sammy, he means trouble.
He is the young cat we have nowadays.
The old cat and I have an understanding.
We arranged things long ago, and we both know where the limits are.
But this fluffy is too much for my resilience.
She behaves as if she is my puppy. She is very sweet to me, but she wants the attention of everyone.
And they all like her so much.
Me too, but I am jealous that they all only look at her, and not at me any more.
My boss understands.
She sends the visitors to me, and then they hug me long and nice, and I love it.

Look at that
Little creature, blue eyes, grey fur, miniature woman.
She is adorable, so playful and sweet to the other animals.
She is still a cat. You always have to wait and see, it you have a cat, but she is very tactful.
We enjoy every minute that she is so small, and she gives a show to everyone.
The other animals accept her, all in their I own way.
Arco, the old dog does not bother, as long as he can keep his rest.
Saartje, the old cat has had her silent fight with her, or she does not bother either. Such a small cat,  that is no enemy.
As long as she does not touch the food.

In my kitchen there are four food bowls and I trip over animals that walk around me all day.
But this small cat is nice, she is smart enough to keep peace with all the other animals.

I have a special eating order and so we keep peace in the kitchen.
Arco, the oldest dog, gets his dinner first.
Fili, the second dog eats the leftovers from Arco and what she likes from her own food.
Saartje the oldest cat eats the leftovers from Fili, and what she likes from her own food.
And then there is Sammy, she eats everything.

Arco is the supervisor
If it is all too much for him, he only shows his teeth, and the other animals do exactly what he wants.
They educate each other, just like children.

I am a mouse.
I am here illegally, my boss does not know.
I live in the kitchen, for the food is there.
There is a little cat around.
Sammy, and I am afraid the other animals have informed her of my presence already.
I am very clever, I take a bite of all the food now and then.
The best moment to do so, is the time when they have all had there food.
Ten they leave and I am alone.
That cat is a lot faster than the bigger animals, but she still has to learn a lot.
I am in my hole a lot, where it is peaceful and quiet.
When I see how the cats an dogs live together in this house, I have good hope that the little one will not be so frenetic.

In these modern times we animals all are so far from nature, it must be possible to make a deal about the food.

But I have to beware of the boss.
She is very afraid of mice.

For J.

Honouring you

If I look after you
trying to guide
being not in your way
but standing beside

I need my help
from someone you know
someone who cares
who helps you to grow

so help me God
in honouring you 


Open up your inner circle
Open up for space and time
Listen to your guide and guardian
He will guide your faith and mine

Breathing is the strength of life
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you
Life is always here for you
Let it work in things you do

Use the things that nature gives
Use its warmth, its strength its glow
Light surrounds all those who live
Be alight and let it flow

Let your energy be power
Give your power energy
All your energy and power
Give it voluntarily

Follow your own destination
Believe its is your destiny
Use your lessons, use your failures
Every opportunity

Have faith in what you ought to be
Don’t let your life be filled with fear
Be what you are and let it be
You have to live just now and here

When you are looking for some answers
Then check the questions that you put
Don’t ask for things that cannot happen
Be real, the answers will be good

Let go your insecurity
And dream the dreams you want to dream
Be guided by your inner guardian
Allow your energy to stream

Love yourself before the other
Don’t expect him to be you
Let your love be first platonic
Take your time, let it be true

When you reach out for the other
Be in balance in yourself
Be whole, be real, don’t fool the other
Then reach out for the other half

A fourth dimension for the earth
Strength and wholeness, energy
Use your energy to reach it
United in diversity.


Your freedom reaches the limit
Of the other person
My freedom reaches the limit
Of your freedom
Your opinion
Be yourself
Live your life
Freedom in commitment
And the limit of freedom
Reaches yours

Never exceed
The limit
Of someone else.



Maybe you already know my columns and poetry.
This is a page with blogs.
I blog about topics that have something to do with writing, the columns are usually about other things.
Do you want to blog yourself?
I have a blogging course, just look at the page ‘courses’.
Do you want writing tips? There is a free pdf with writing tips. And you can join my face book group “writing tips for you.”



Blogging is difficult and easy at the same time.
Do not think too much, just write about everything that comes to your mind. Or do it the other way, make a scheme and start to write. Let your blog rest for a day, and start to correct if necessary. When you write business blogs, common sense is very important. When you are a creative blogger, your flow is more important. Just start writing, and do not stop. Your writing will be more spontaneous then.



 Writing online texts 

Writing online texts requires a specific approach.
Be brief and concise. Write what you have to say, give much attention to the most important part of your text, otherwise you cannot keep the attention of your reader.
Start with a headline that stands out. Reading online is different from reading a book or a magazine. Your readers have less patience. They quickly want to know what you are writing about.
You can make lists; they do well on the Internet.
Specific used words give people a feeling of wellbeing:
Unique, free, cheep, bargain, good, benefit.
Use pictures, photos, give a nice image of your product.
Internet is very visual. People who like to read a lot of text are different readers. You also want the people who are no ’readers.’ They can be interested in your product as well.


Between dream and reality 

How much time does it take to write a book?
The writing itself is only part of the whole process. You have an idea, you put it on paper, and then you are so busy doing other things, that you forget about your book.
You add some more things, and slowly your book is growing. When this happens often enough your book will be finished someday.
Or the other way around: you start writing and you use every free minute to write, then your first version of your book will be finished in no time.
Then you have to leave it for a while.
That gives you just the distance to be able to read your book as a reader, not as a writer.
You need that to see the mistakes you made.
Is there more you want to say?
Does it make sense?
Does your main character have blue eyes in the whole book or does she suddenly have brown eyes?
Writing a book is a combination of structure and chaos, and everything has its own place. You just have to go on till your book is finished, and also for experienced writers it is an adventure what will happen during the whole process.
Almost every book is different from the idea you had in mind when you started.
But it is nice to write a book, though.


What steps are needed to write a book? 

Make sure you have time, you must make time for your book.
If your book needs a lot of research, that takes a lot of time too.
It is better to write regularly, even if it is not much every time, than to write a lot and stop again.
It is important that you can keep your flow.
Imagine someone who is interested in your book.
That person listens to you, stimulates you, is not critical and likes to hear what you write.
What kind of book is it?
Fiction or non-fiction, who are the readers you have in mind? Adults, people with your profession, children, a young adult book?
Create an approach for your book. Start with a mind map. And write an index. You can leave the structure you had, if you like to, but you need something like that to keep writing.
Make a summary. For your readers, your booksellers, in short, tell what your book is about.
You can use this text later for your back cover.
Write, write, write, and write as much as you can.
Notes, ideas, put everything in a document, and use what you need.
Writing a book is a combination of structure and chaos, keep the structure when you need it and use the chaos for your creative process.
Collect everything that could be useful for your book.
Think about marketing already. You can create a mailing list already. Bookshops, people in your surroundings, family, finds, make a face book page and a twitter account.
You can promote your book later, but you can also start already. Good luck!


Eva van Baar | evavanbaar@gmail.com